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Astrion is a planet of the size +10x size of the earth. It's core consist of strong energy that keeps it all together and provides life and plants. It surrounds with a ring of diamond crystal stone, that a nearby star Bastreon always shines on, making it a rainbow color.

The atmosphere is just perfect for creatures like Jolleraptors, and just right for the plants and fruits that grows there. As near alike it is to Terra, the water is rather a bit thicker in density than earths.

On the Northern Hemisphere, it consists mostly of desert, fire and brimstone, to the West consists mostly of forests, swamps and grasslands and the south to the south east consists of liquid and beaches!

Jolleraptors home planet


The Continents

Alogenis (the main continent)
The parent continent, most towns and cities dwell here with habitants located everywhere! Weather conditions are mixed as they are on earth and depending on ocean temperatures, can be wild at times.

Clovine (the colourful continent)

While this may LOOK like multiple islands, the rainbows that connect to them are infused with luck. Seems some activities take place on this continent. Jolles can use the rainbow as a bridge and even move the rainbows to get back to their own continents when requested! (Yes, the rainbows are sentient beings please do not upset Omis’ guardians) Dreamers are known to make their home here as the weather conditions are always perfect.


Aviente (the sister continent to Alogenis)

Did you know, the desert continent of our homeworld wasn't always a desert? Brimstones are one of the only subtypes known to survive out here in intense heat during the day time and Tundras are inhabiting the cold nights desert, with temperatures below -10F. There are two zones to this desert continent so both can however survive all hours of the day in north and south.Well, it was actually a lush ground, the plant life and all used to be pure gold and things and JR's lived richly, so many market places thrived there and yet a Dreamer harmed by a otherworldly creature, in its rage managed to destroy it all. Pure gold never corrodes, but it does make for a pretty good conductor.This Dreamer scorched everything with flames and bolts so hot it was 15x the power of the sun, until all was barren and dusty. Brimstones and Tundras came to live in the north and south respectively to their temperature differences and the only proof that there was life there, was the sand. The many souls lost to the Dreamer that day became a hub of mourning, rather than a hub of plentiful markets and life. Legend has it, Aviente is alive in another way.

Adora (micro continent)
Recently split off from Alogenis, is an abundant continent for life and serves as a temple to Omis and for jolles to honeymoon and show their love for one another. Warm but not too humid.

Lacunite (Cityscape continent)

This continent is submerged underwater but has a gigantic air pocket that does not let water in. The positive magnetic charge of the rocky terrain to the negatively charged waters allows the jolles to use the lake in the middle as the entrance to the city and a safe space from further impacts caused by Eidrot. Under the lake and in the air pocket lays the city “Jovitate”.

Ratis (the floating continent)
Impacted by a meteor launched by Eidrot in his rage, this continent is held to the planet by its gravitational force, but magnetically levitated by the negative charge the water holds thus the continent floats. Perfect for jolles learning how to fly... with their big wings. The air is very thin and not many jolles do travel this way but Cavernous Jolles are known to live here as it is both darker and allows for easy hunting.


Icy Tundra place
This area is located to the North-West of the planet and temperatures as as little as -115C! The Jolles named this area Froozi!
The God's temple is located at the center of Froozi, shaped like a giant icy crown!

​Snow with mountains

Located more Northern to Froozi, this area is great fun for sledging and skiing as well as other amounts of mischief! Strangely the temperature is warmer than Froozi itself. The Mountainous range is very tall and known as the Dusties! The tallest mountain is 8,586m and is named Mt Beanie!! The God's temple is located in a hidden cave inside Mt Beanie itself and has a river of lava surrounded the outskirts of the pillars!


Ocean/ water

To the direct South, this massive ocean is known as the Setiphi ocean! The deepest part of the planet's ocean is 10,887m deep and this deep area is 5296KM long! Beware, there are creatures at that depth you do not want to meet... Some Jolles have become mutated by the dark cold depths to be as big as a megalodon and adapted rather... Monstrously to say the least.
The Gods Temple is located in a deep se
a cave, where creatures light the way to the elusive temple and to the air opening within!

''Rainbow bridge''
This bridge to the North East is said to give luck to couples travelling to one of the temples for their breeding - and is as tall as Mt Beanie!
There is no ground temple, however, in certain seasons, stairs made of candyfloss scented clouds lower themselves and take Jolle couples to a temple of the sky! It is highly unlikely Eidrot will be present here!

Eternal fire

A huge hole that always burns in the North, as threatening as it looks, JR's can very safely enter it as it consists of the very smoke they exhale. Some Jolles named it "Jacuzzi", though for anyone else, it would turn them into a crisp! Next to it, there's plenty of fairly not so deep but multiple sized holes after meteor showers that occurred in the past! The Gods Temple is located and made of the eternal fire itself, created by Eidrot - however, Omis is extremely rarely present here due to it being chaotic and destruction of Eidrot's.

The forestlands are located to the West of Astrion and are rather fluffy and gummy like, but there are many poisonous animals and plants that a Jolle could adapt to, so be careful when handling them! The Gods Temple is located deep in a jungle to the South of the region amongst all the vines!


This ironically is the hottest part of Astrion in comparison to the "Jacuzzi" and can reach a staggering 243C! Every five years, a great and terrible sandstorm whirls around this harsh heated area, but the Jolles born and adapted in this environment love the storm for preening and cleaning! The Gods Temple can often be seen as a mirage, but does exist in a more cooler area and oasis, surrounded by pillars of sand.
A huge crack on one of the side of the planet, with floating parts (which cannot separate away from the planet), it has a stone bridge to it. Some say this is where the Gods slumber, others say a terrible beast lives there. No one knows...


These caves are located more often than not to both sides of the Southern Hemisphere and receive little to no light. Very few Jolles live here, but those that do can find the Gods hidden in the depths. The Gods Temple is located inside the deepest darkest cave, but getting there takes a little experience...

Portals/ warp holes & tunnels

About them


Portals can be like sunspots, that appear and disappear and no one knows where they lead to, but they're caused by shifts in the core's magnetic field. The portals may have different limits for the distance. Tunnels could be cracks or caves that lead to other parts of the planet, and sometimes they just appear and JR's fall in. To where? No one exactly knows, but one thing is for sure, the Jolles certainly have a blast going through them!


The planet Astrion, named so by its discoverer, Dr. Integra Wick-Astrion, is a planet teeming with terra and volcanic activity (from the flaming pit in the planet) in a small solar system with ten other planets.

Astrion is roughly about 15.5 times bigger than Earth and its gravity is about 5.85 times that of Earth. Due to the radiation it emits and the stronger gravity, this causes any life taller than the native species Jolleraptors, to shrink to their size.

A single day on Astrion lasts 31.29 hours and a year lasts 389 days. The planet is made up of 6 continents currently as one had recently split from the main continent Alogenis, these 6 continents make up 59% of the planet's landmass. 2 moons Weiss and Apophis orbit the planet (Apophis following a closer orbit than humans would consider comfortable and has some ill effects on Jolles cursed by the moon) and Astrion itself orbits a white sun in an elliptic orbit.

The plant-like organisms on this planet are mostly different types of grass, but they could be compared to flowers, as they come in almost every color and they have incredible scents which Jolleraptors, especially the Billow subtype enjoy rubbing onto their fur. Trees and larger shrubs make up most of the higher layers, but flowers, fungi and bushes are nearly non-existent barring the few on the recently split continent Adora.

With the exception of a handful of species, none of them have developed into anything advanced. Most species still rely on simple photosynthesis to survive. A few species do have the basic beginnings of thorns and specialized leaves though, but it will be a long time before those are fully developed.

Corals, although very basic, can be found all over the planet's oceans, seas and lakes. While they lack the bright colors and odd shapes you'd find on Earth's corals, they do have the makings of a varied aquatic wildlife, with an abundance of gorgeous species. With the exception of a few very basic insect and fish species barring the oceans megalodon sized creature, this planet is only home to countless microbe species.

But while they may not be far into the evolutionary line, they do provide us with potential answers to the creation of this planet. The few insects and fish species show some slight forms of evolution, but they have a long way to go before they look like anything we've seen on Earth.

​Land mammals that predate on Jolles commonly are seen with frills and are more evolved to be upright, with more saber like teeth to pierce different subtypes natural armour, while others tend to feed on the fish and insects. There are some herbivorous species on the planet as well that tend to live in the high trees and remain there for safety from the mammals below, though that doesn’t stop them being constantly bothered by the Jolleraptors that do climb to cause mischief!

More about Astrion


The Jollerian alphabet

Jolleraptors are known to have their own alphabet in terms of them communication, recent studies have found that their alphabet coincides shape-wise with their zodiacs, having a more cloud like appearance. This is known as the Jollerian alphabet!


Astrion time

Astrion’s Day names


On Astrion, there are 32 days in a month, 8 days per week - 4 weeks in a month. 12 months is a year.

Astrion’s Day names:

Astrion’s Month names (and their pronoucations):
Dantavee (dah-an-ta-vee)
Eekado (ee-ka-doh)
Fantuo (fahn-too-oh)
Jibinu (jee-bin-ooh)
Tambarou (tahm-bah-row)
Vokanigh (voca-neye)
Ghendavria (gen-dah-av-ree-ah)
Retruse (reh-true-ze)
Lilladore (leela-door)
Kennitor (ken-nit-or)
Yuilove (you-ee-love)


Astronian Zodiacs

Created by a group of blessed individuals in the olden days and carried through the generations to modern day.

Cloudius (Kennitor 28th - Yuilove 21st)
The Carefree - Animal link: Cloudee - Gem link: TBA

You are often described as a carefree spirit, who takes a laidback approach at life; you have more creativity than most understand and you’d prefer not to explain because there isn’t enough words for you, but prefer to be more introverted as a personality. However you are prone to outbursts of childishness if you don’t get your own way, but are easily calmed upon realising it’s not worth the stress and trouble. Don’t let your mind rule over your heart and let your creativity flow for best chances of success.


Gotaline (Yuilove 22nd - Eveo 17th)
The Determined - Animal link: TBA  - Gem Link: TBA

You are a very determined and organised person, always wanting to reach your end goals; however you often are described as working too hard and you are easily overwhelmed when working in a non productive team. You are a likely natural leader because of your organisation and determination, however this can be your downfall due to not letting yourself relax enough. Always remember to take breaks for yourself, even when dealing with something beyond your control.


Landiceses (Eveo 18th-Dantavee 11th)
The Carefree - Animal link: Cloudee - Gem link: TBA

You are a very stubborn and bullheaded person, not budging on your own opinion even if sometimes it’s wrong. You’re most likely very introverted because of this, but won’t back down from a debate if it’s an opinion that is a big contrast against your own values. You do have a soft spot for values that benefit those around you and will stop at nothing to achieve happiness for them because it’s what you’d prefer to fight for. Just remember, it’s okay to be wrong sometimes and admit defeat.


Ventrifal (Dantavee 12th-Eekado 7th)
The Inquisitor - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are a very curious person, questioning every aspect of life and it’s meaning; you wonder about what lies ahead of the stars and in this, often forgetting to take care of matters on the ground. You are the second most introverted of the zodiacs and would prefer to dedicate your time to your preferred interests. When you focus on a task, it gets done quickly and efficiently, but often you neglect yourself as a result. Take care of your health and you will prosper like the stars above you.


Decaleus (Eekado 8th-Fantuo 1st)
The Ever Knowing - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are someone that prefers to do extensive research into anything others ask you to do, if it goes against your comfort levels, you are likely to avoid it. You approach life with a lot of cautiousness from the life lessons you’ve had to learn and are warm hearted at advising others to stay safe. However this can be your undoing as it can be the paranoia that holds you back from achieving your dreams. Never be afraid to go beyond your comfort levels to try something new.


Mallinite (Fantuo 2nd-Jibinu 27th)
The Survivor - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are very skilled at looking after yourself and your team; no one falters on your watch and your protectiveness and care is admired by others around you. You can be boisterous at times when someone close to you wishes to take a different path to you, but you must learn to eventually accept this fact. You are a very sturdy spirit and keeps their emotions mostly in check. It’s okay to be afraid of change, but it’s even better to accept and grow with that change.


Ominian (Jibinu 28th-Tambarou 22nd)
The Ever Kind - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are a very kindhearted soul, unconditionally loving to those around you and a complete social butterfly. You try your hardest to please everyone by completing favours or aiding your friends - but in doing this you can be emotionally drained by the labours of life or being taken advantage of for your kindness. You often forget to take breaks for yourself to heal while insisting that you are there to support everyone else. While you may be a pillar, it’s okay to crumble and take time to recuperate as you are very cared about - accept the love given from others.


Eidelen (Tambarou 23rd-Vokanigh 16th)
The Ruler - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are a very prideful soul, taking pride in your appearance and other people’s thoughts on you - you’re the life of the party and you will succeed at that no matter what. You are a very colourful personality and aren’t afraid to show your colours, although sometimes this can be a disadvantage to you. You know how to have fun, but you can sometimes take jokes too far and lack tact when people tell you to calm. It’s wise to learn to read atmospheres of a room before joking in a serious situation.


Harraghway (Vokanigh 17th-Ghendavria 10th)
The Illusionistic - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are very good at hiding your emotions and passions behind a blank canvas, but are truly a passionate soul with a great listening ear - amazing as an outlet to those close to you. You know how to adapt to most life situations, with a talent for insight and a clear understanding of irony - but you often discredit yourself and deflect the compliments given to you. It’s not healthy to deflect compliments to yourself as it will lower your self esteem, give yourself more credit.


Bayostetee (Ghendavria 11th-Retruse 5th)
The Path Finder - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are more a thrill seeking type of person, wanting to take even the most challenging of paths even with a high chance of failure. You’re not afraid to get back up and try again and have a brutal sense of honesty which can get you into trouble sometimes. You can be rather opinionated of others and quick to judge, but considerate of those close to you. Always wise to think before you speak first before you harm someone you care about.


Naavendal (Retruse 6th-lilladore 31st)
The Observationist - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are an exceptionally creative, intuitive and intelligent person with quick wit to add on with it - you often enjoy adding more and more details to everything and studying all the details you’re given from other materials. You have a wide tolerance and patience level when understanding situations and are willing to try anything to solve a problem. The downside is your creativity and wit are often misunderstood by others and you close yourself off when confrontation happens. Others just want to see your side of things, so remember to not retract away and show your good nature to those around you.


Acoleteus (Lilladore 32nd-Kennitor 27th)
The Logical - Animal link: TBA - Gem link: TBA

You are a highly tolerant, tough and coolheaded person, your focus is second to none and you try to see the more logical side in choices - listening more to your head than your heart and often leading you to be more isolated from others. Despite this, you show deep and loving emotions to those closest to you with a great sense of compassion, but often back off when you feel something isn’t right either about your environment or others. It’s okay to listen to your heart sometimes, as it can be your gut feeling that saves you.


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