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Jolleraptor Coinshop

quick links: [coinbank] + [coinwork folder] 


What are Coins and what are they for?

Coins are a currency used to purchase nifty prizes for you or your Jolleraptor. You can even use Coins to obtain your own MYO slot, among other fun things! 


You don't need a Jolleraptor of your own to start earning them, either! See our shop below! You can also take commissions for coins and even sell your coins to others! When transferring use the following form!

please reply here to transfer!

Extra Notes on Coins & Coinbank:

  • Coins don't expire. You can hoard them as long as you wish.

  • You can gift/sell the Coins you own. You can also buy them with points/money.

  • Coin shop will be updated at least once a week!

  • If you don't want your Coins anymore and dont want to sell/gift them let us know and we will raffle them off.

  • This system may face changes over time, and we are open for suggestions from our community!

  • If you can't find your name on the coin bank or your coins haven't been updated yet, just be patient! It takes the admins a bit to update sometimes because it's done in batches

How to Earn Coins?

Submit your Jolleraptor writing, artwork & crafts to the [coinwork Folder] Our mods will count them up and add them to the [coinbank] for you.


Commissions/ YCH / ART TRADES and art on Bases are not eligible for Coins.




Only submissions of Jolleraptors will count for Coins. Nebnoms are not eligible.

You're allowed to make multiple drawings of the same JR on the same sheet as long each has different pose.


Artwork must be full body and colored.

Headshots are NOT eligible for coins.

The [Monthly Art Challenge] and official group contests/events award bonus Coins.

MYO slots earned by coins cannot be sold, however they can be swapped or gifted !


Gift art and free raffle art prizes will count for Coins.
PLEASE state who the JR belongs to! Yourself or someone else

What Coins do my Entries Earn?

Drawing(traditional or digital)
- Jolleraptor owned by you: 10 coins
(per jolle)

 - Shading (must have clear lighting and shading): 7 coins

 - Jolleraptor mascot: 20 coins

 - Jolleraptor owned by another: 15 coins (per jolle)


 - Jolleraptor Couple Bonus: +10 coins (jolles must be clearly interacting to qualify, stacked max up to 5)

 - Background Art Bonus: +5-30 coins (depending on complexity)

 - Companion Bonus: +3 coins (must show clear interaction- bonus only applies to the owner of the JR)

 - Small Animation Bonus: 20 coins (ex: eyebrow waggle, blinking, simple bounce/bob animation)

 - Large Animation Bonus: 40-100 coins (ex: extended movement & actions that significantly move most of the body- min size 150x150)

Writing (stories)

 - For every 100 Words: 5 coins


 - A bonus +5 coins (for each jolleraptor you own (must have a substantial role in story)

 - A bonus +10 coins (for each jolleraptor owned by someone else (must have a substantial role in story)
Substantial role means the jolle needs enough time and effort in writing to matter, not just appear for the sake of adding extra coins.



 - Such as plushies, sculptures (inc. 3D) and games (Coin reward may range between 100-400 coins depending on effort and complexity)

 - Crafts including original Digital Games: 50-200 coins

Coinbank Shop: Prizes

Base Transfer - CLOSED ATM

Companions (new companion species coming) - NOT AVAILABLE

Common MYO (a limit of 3 per year) - 100 coins

Uncommon MYO (a limit of 3 per year) - 300 coins

Rare MYO (a limit of 3 per year) - 500 coins

[Comment Here] if you'd like to purchase a prize with your Coins!

Trait Changes & Upgrades

* Price counts for one trait change. Two trait changes will require twice the amount of coins. Once changed, it will be confirmed and commented under the JR that's in the hub by an admin or Simonetry. If it's not in the hub yet, comment here., upgrades can only be applied to MYO's and existing JRs only.


Uncommon Trait Upgrade: 50 coins

Rare Trait Upgrade: 125 coins

Epic Trait Upgrade: 200 coins  (5 epic upgrades every 6 months, cannot be stacked)

Hairstyle perk upgrade: 125 coins

Trait swap voucher (1 trait can be swapped of the same rarity- no upgrading/ downgrading): 30 coins


[Comment Here] if you'd like to purchase a prize with your Coins!

JolleRaptors is a closed species owned by SoupIing @ Deviantart/
Site is built/designed, mantained & operated by Simonetry (Founder and former owner) @ Deviantart/

​Do NOT copy, trace or steal any content from this site

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