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What is a Jolle Raptor?

Jolleraptors are pocket-sized, extraterrestrial creatures that are given life and rebirth through the power of the core. This allows them to live extremely long lives and survive through vast space travels. This gives them to the means to survive on any planet within the galaxies that span through the universe, a vast majority of them however have chosen to live on the planet Terra.

By adapting to an omnivorous diet, Jolleraptors are able to adapt to the vastly different environments that they inhabit. Recently however, they have been known to develop a fondness for human food. This characteristic, combined with their playful nature, have molded them into the perfect, pocket-sized pets.

Though the majority of Jolleraptors have chosen to live like this, wild Jolleraptors still exist that instead choose to roam the world. (These Jolleraptors are not suitable to be kept as pets). This also applies to the Jolleraptor's mutated brethren, the Jollemonster. These beasts are not pocket-sized and can grow to become as large as this..

Each Jolleraptor and Jollemonster, feral or tamed, had a unique personality and appearance. This diversity ensures that there will be a Jolleraptor for just about anyone to fall in love with.


A JR in The Society

Jolleraptors are pocket-sized, extraterrestrial creatures that are given life and rebirth through the power of the core. This allows them to live extremely long lives and survive through vast space travels. This gives them to the means to survive on any planet within the galaxies that span through the universe, a vast majority of them however have chosen to live on the planet Terra.

By adapting to an omnivorous diet, Jolleraptors are able to adapt to the vastly different environments that they inhabit. Recently however, they have been known to develop a fondness for human food. This characteristic, combined with their playful nature, have molded them into the perfect, pocket-sized pets.

Other species understanding their speech

Studying these little creatures, you will find they are nimble, rather mischievous and think they can take on the world, often being a literal handful to work with and tame at times. While some may enjoy staying indoors nestled in the palm of your hands, in your coats and hoodies or in the suns rays and other warm places; naturally they enjoy being outdoors exploring their habitats.

On Astrion everything for them is normal scale like our world is to us humans so it’s easier for them to navigate, but on earth and many other countless worlds out there, everything is rather... too big for them. This means you may see them gnawing fruits nearly twice their size and drinking from dew droplets on leaves (pulling them down with their tiny bird peets and drinking heartily from them).



  • Jolleraptors originally came from the planet Astrion and are born from cookie eggs. Their gods are named Omis and Eidrot; Eidrot being responsible for Jolles now being found across the universe and not limited to Astrion.

  • Jolleraptors possess high animal intelligence and can mimic sounds and even some words, however cannot formulate sentences like humans and other higher than human intelligence species can! They can only speak in chirps which of course their own kind can understand but not humans. A translator has been made by a certain research facility.

  • A fully grown standard JR is roughly the size of the palm of your hand! A Jollemonster is roughly the size of a teacup chihuahua to around the size of an adult munchkin cat and yes, they bite. Hard.

  • While they can rear up, and waddle on their back legs like a dog can, it’s not for very long, seconds at most. When eating, sometimes a JRs back legs will lift and cause them to flip, though some have perfected this trick for entertainment purposes.

  • Their running technique is similar to a bunny hop at most and are certainly very nimble, clocking speeds of up to 10mph to up to 30mph in a short sprint to escape predators!

  • Some jolles have hidden teeth, so while they’re not visible all the time, when it comes to eating, it’s a whole different story. Maw shape often can impede communications and eating, such as the overbite and underbite. Some grim jolles with warthog teeth even use them to clean their nostrils... charming.

  • Jolles are very flexible, having catlike flexibility when it comes to bending - meaning they can bend in some very unusual shapes indeed. You will often see a pack of JRs often playing games of contortionist vibes and while it may look painful or hilarious, they are not in any pain at all.

  • JRs have the most nerve pain receptors in their back legs, where they absorb sunlight in order to be able to produce their smoke. This means that they know where NOT to be clumsy in order to avoid stubbed toes. Damaging in such a way can even damage the heat tube and hinder the Jolles ability to create and breathe smoke!

  • While Jolles absorb sunlight to be able to create smoke, they don’t actually produce it in their legs. They have a special organ in their body known as the Furnacia - which uses the collected heat to dissolve energy in the vaporium, the organ above it; the heat tube from the legs goes through both of these organs and this in turn allows the JR to freely breathe smoke at their will.

  • JRs with coloured legs however have lesser ability to create smoke since they cannot hold their heat very well and therefore need to sunbathe more often to keep being able to produce smoke albeit at smaller amounts! Make sure if you have a Jolle, maybe have a conservatory or keep the heating on for them - even have little items of clothing to keep their feet warm!

The blessed and cursed eye status

Broken horns, legs & cracked perk

There are jolles out there that have been given the blessings of the deities in rather light or dark eyes. These can be seen as blessing or curses to some and vice versa to others.

The Blessed - All-Seeing

All-Seeing eyes are often seen as the blessed eyes, granted by the deity Omis. These eyes are characterised by their light and often white / light grey / light coloured irises or pupils.


Not only do they look divine in aesthetic, the abilities that are said to come with the blessed eyes actually provide some JRs jobs and hobbies in the fortune telling side of things (Special Trial).


JRs with this gift from the deity are often hailed as beings with a close connection to the deities and offered trinkets in order to find their fortunes. They can often predict events spanning from one week up to six months. However, be careful what you wish to know from them, as you might not be happy with the outcome they bring you.

The Cursed - Chaosbringers

Chaosbringers eyes - or cursed eyes as they’re commonly referred to - are eyes of dark grey, desaturated and black hues. Jolles with these eyes are gifted them from Eidrot, the deity of chaos and death and JRs of this kind ooze a rather corruptive energy.


When in the presence of others, they exude an energy that latches onto others and saps them of their strength while growing their own power. This can lead to all kinds of mutations - especially when sapping energy from other species in the universe - as well as bizarre transformations in prolonged time and exposure, such as those that can switch between forms.

The life cycle

'Birth - Maturity stages'
How the Jolle is Born and its Maturity!

✦ Omis and Eidrot have blessed and fused the two essences of the parents to form the core.
✦ Dust created from their magic begins to form around this core and Eidrot pummels the dusty amalgamation towards the ground with a cheeky grin - when seen from ground level, it looks like a meteor as the atmosphere burns the dust a little and solidifies like a biscuit!
✦ Once it crashes into the ground in its environment with the parents, the Jolle baby quickly develops and begins eating its way from the center of the formation out to its parents!
✦ The baby JR emerges and is covered in thick baby fluff colour tuned to its environment to help it camoflage more easily.
✦ Six months of development, markings and body traits have slowly formed on the baby and it begins a month of preening all its fur away from its body. Fellow baby Jolles may help preen each others back in return for theirs being done, else it is up to the parents to do!
✦ Once the month is complete, all the marking and traits are fully formed and you now have a fully mature Jolleraptor, these guys venture off from their parents into the new world and meet new people and scenes!

The phase to rebirth

A Jolle can die for many reasons, predatory attacks, disease, fighting each other, being in the wrong environment, old age (note they can live 1000+ years) and even punished by the God of Destruction himself! But all Jolles are reborn eventually, They do remember their past lives through dreams and are almost certain to believe it! That's why they often have good dreams, they've either danced with the stars, met good humans, tried good food, chatted with a frog and every day of their past life plays as a dream in their current lifes nights. When a jolle changes colours and markings and the like, viewed by many outsiders as a redesign, its actually a form of reincarnation HOWEVER, when wrapped around by the cookie egg , they remain grounded

away from Eidrot and upon hatching do NOT appear as a child due to partial metamorphosis - it does depend on the age of the jolle however, older ones may just reincarnate entirely (overhauled jolles). However when administered a JRM potion, the jolle skips reincarnation all together, which unfortunately IS painful for them to undergo because they're not protected by the comforting warmth of their healing cookie egg.

✦ As soon as a Jolle realises its dying, its smoke that it breathes becomes very heavy and is exhaled on every breath
✦ Each breath of smoke begins encasing the jolle and makes them lighter than air as they float up to where the God, Eidrot is when not in a temple
✦ The smoke suddenly heats up and disintegrates the Jolle's body painlessly, becoming dust and triggering a fusion like reaction
✦ This superheated reaction fuses the core and blessing of the Gods together once more and the smoke has become dust

✦ Eidrot pummels the dust into the planet again to its new environment, most often than not, randomly aimed - he has been known to accidentally ping them at the wrong planet--  ✦ The birthing process begins once more for the newly revived Jolle and while not all retain their memories of past life, some studies suggest these little guys dream about who they were before!

Breeding Cycle of Jolleraptors

So we know how Jolles actually populated Astrion and other planets, but what about where do babies come from? Easy! Read the cycle below to find out more on how these precious little children are born!

✦ A JR must be soulmated to one another, before committing to their journey for a child! Depending on which region they live in  the God's Temples will be in different locations to those regions. This is where a Jolle's survival instinct will kick in...
✦ The Jolle couple will travel to their site of birth in which they remember as children, both taking an item of their essence best representing them as offers to the gods. These objects must have significant meaning to them both and towards each other or they will both have wasted their journey
✦ Upon reaching the temple where their birth site was, they will place the two items down and celebrate for the gods and ask for their blessing
✦ Omis and Eidrot appear to the amplified chirping from these temples, towering high over their smaller creations and smile. Omis and Eidrot will be looking at the meaning of these objects, as well as at the Jolle couple themselves. Eidrot will know if one of them has been bad and will confer.
✦ If both gods are content with the couple and their meaning to each other*, Omis will take the items and use their magic to begin fusing them together to form the core of the Jolle, both Omis' and Eidrot's magic dust begin surrounding the core
✦ Eidrot takes the core with a grin and rises up high into the atmosphere, only to launch the core down, and cause atmospheric burning that solidifies the dust into a biscuit like formation
✦ When it impacts the ground, the gods both nod their blessing to the child and disappear to overlook their children once more elsewhere
✦ The cycle of birth begins!

*If Omis is not happy, then they will choose not to bless the couple, however Omis very rarely offers his blessing, which makes for much more rarer Jolles to occur and this can cause higher rarity traits, mutations, Jollemonsters and if his happiness is overwhelming, the rarest of all - Jollekids!



Broken horns, legs & cracked perk

Jolleraptors horns and bones are made with a nearly unbreakable material, but it is rare that such a weakness develops (either via an autoimmune disorder or extremely severe trauma) that they break and are unable to regrow to their full-size. Having them break would be very detrimental to their health hence it being rare!

In terms of the broken side of things, it mostly affects the bones (horns, legs) or those with the cracked perk, cracked being different from hot oily mutations version of it. The cracked perk is where the jolles top of the head, from skin to skull caves in and breaks on itself, much like the horns, it’s often caused by an autoimmune disorder or severe trauma often combined. Usually exposing the brain of the JR, the cells of the brain begin to die or catch bacteria which in turn cause infections and speed up the cycle of death - or severe trauma often combined.

Usually exposing the brain of the JR, the cells of the brain begin to die or catch bacteria which in turn cause infections and speed up the cycle of death - thankfully not affecting their ability to be reborn Hot oily smokes version of cracked is the extreme heat contained within and seeping out, not caused by any issues, thankfully the skin and bone stays strong, if not even stronger because of the oily smoke filling the cracks as fast as they appeared, leaving only the scars of the cracks

In terms of jolles having the cracked perk open, Doctors, specifically those medically trained in the Astrion Research Facility have been studying JR anatomy to create plates and skin grafts for them to survive better. It’s a delicate procedure but works 95% of the time as a temporary fix, though around every 100 or so years, they will need to return for damage assessment and replacement again if needs be Hot oily smoke rarely ever goes near the horns in terms of cracking, but the smoke may pool around the wounds of the horns where it had recently broken from the autoimmune disorder in an attempt to try and heal it, resulting in little cracked beads instead of normal horn formation

Size does matter

While there are jolles who are friendshaped to a safe degree, a more larger jolle may have substantial mobility problems; their back legs can’t take too much pressure, putting strain on their heat tubes inside their legs as well as where their knees are. They have anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (much like humans) where the birdy legs and knee of the jolle meet; the more weight a jolle has, the more it puts these ligaments under strain, meaning they will be subject to injury or worse and it is much harder to fix on a jolle than a human given their small size in comparison even to smaller animals as well as the fact humans haven’t entirely figured out how their little bodies work. Hence the Astrion Research Facility is looking into them, perhaps in the future they will be able to perform operations in order to fix these kind of injuries, but for now, given jolles are a rather active species for the most part at most end up friendshaped without too many problems. (For reference on body types check here)

JR's And Their Speech Ability

Generally speaking, Jolleraptors are quite able when it comes to understanding and repeated speech. Though they can't learn every single language, Jolleraptors can understand many words, mimic sounds and even follow commands.

Jolleraptors are exceptionally good at mimicking, they can mimic just about anything! Though their bodies aren't built to create certain sounds, for instance the sound an elephant makes. Despite this impediment however, the Jolleraptor can still manage to make a very similar sound.


Other species understanding their speech

When Eidrot crashed some of his kids mistakenly into more advanced civilised planets, Jolles were studied by how they formed inside the biscuit meteorite, their anatomy and even their intelligence... even though they had raven intelligence and could mimic small things in non Raptarian after being exposed to other worldly contact, they were unable to speak due to the compactness of the necks and bodies that would strain the vocals to only chirp. However years or research ended up developing a special translator!

Chirpration 0.9 beta was a prototype and proved to be the first success and was improvised into V 1.0 so it could be worn and connect itself to the brain via the back of the head as a painless implant that had a part on the outside so if something went wrong, the internal programming could be repaired without removal and damage to nerves and the brain.

These soon went commercial across the galaxy, allowing people who found jolles near them to take home as pets to understand their new children instead of being confused by the unintelligible chirps which in turn caused them to be thrown out into the dirt.

Because Chirpration successfully translated Raptarian, the numbers of jolles prematurely dying or being thrown away by their old owners decreased at a high rate, thus most civilisations in the galaxy were happy. The gods heard about this and smiled upon the other worldly species in the galaxies, content their children were always loved by many...

JolleRaptors is a closed species owned by SoupIing @ Deviantart/
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