JolleMonsters (JRMs)

JRM are more predatory and carnivorous species as a result of Eidrots interference.
Unlike their normal brethren, the Jolleraptor Monster does not grow any feathers on it's front legs, instead it grows fur. (The more fur it has, the rarer it is)
Generally speaking, a Jolleraptor Monster is rare, they are most commonly seen during Halloween.
A pack of JRM is known as Kihaos (pronounced chaos).
Standard Jolleraptors roughly weigh around 200-250g and when push comes to shove, this means a JR can lift between 5-7kg - impressive no? At least they can use their smoke as a hide from the dreaded JRM who comes next.
JRM weights can range from 4-7kg (given they're the size of an adult cat), meaning they can roughly lift, carry and attack with between 280kg-490kg. You would not want to be on the bad side of a JRM for sure and given some choose to prey on JRs, its not always a happy ending.
JR's have a biting force roughly of 550psi, putting them just above creatures like the chihuahua and English Mastiff, but rarely do they ever use that force unless truly angered or fighting to defend themselves.
JRM are known to have a biting force of 975psi, putting them just below hyenas, but still a powerful set of jaws you wouldnt want to have wrapped around digits or wrists. These can and will do damage. They're more likely to use their powerful jaws when hunting and fighting each other, but forget their own strength very easily around non-JR species and so accidents can happen.
Differences & similarities
A Jolleraptor is the size of a small hamster, they grow to be 4 inches in length (Tail length not accounted for) and 2.5-2.7 inches tall (Ears/stance not accounted for) whilst the Jolleraptor Monster grows to be 5-6 inches in lengths (Tail length not accounted for) and 4-4.5 inches tall (Ears/stance not accounted for). They can grow to a size of a small cat.
Aside from differences in size though, the Jolleraptor and the Jolleraptor Monster share the same sized eyes and their heads are very similarly shaped. On the right is a picture that shows the size/physical differences.
They do not have the same type of feet! Unlike JRs, JRMs have feet akin to more feral creatures, akin to those of rats and big cats mixed - most predominantly the Smilodon. These four clawed toes can splay out upon ground contact and dig in for better running ability.
When the hind legs are lifted, the toes join together so that they do not catch in their environments preventing injuries

JR leg
JRM leg

Another physical feature that the Jolleraptor Monster possess is a very dense underfur (normal Jolleraptors lack this), because of this fur they can handle extremely cold temperatures. This makes the majority of these mutants enjoy being outside in the snow, rain and wind.
Whilst Jolleraptors and Jolleraptor Monsters share most of their traits, the Jolleraptor Monster does not grow feathers on it's front leg. This allows them to store more muscles in their front legs and body as a whole, making them three times stronger than the average Jolleraptor.
JRM potions is said to have been created by those with eyes of darkness, the Chaobringers and while it can bring about the mutation, the JRM is more likely to be unstable as a result. It's a special substance that mutates the Jolleraptors genes, altering the current Jolleraptors form- giving it all of the JRM's features. Once a JR has been affected by the potion there's no reversing back to the original form.
However- there is a special potion that would allow switching between the JR and JRM form, those potions however due being very rare and special are not obtainable that easily and only through one way. (Adopts)

The lore
Jollemonsters were originally not known much about since a cloud of mystery always surrounded them; they weren’t really seen during the day time and not much study was able to be done about them as they were considered to be a highly aggressive species. Nowadays unlike their ancestors, while not as aggressive, they are highly antisocial and very rarely find another to care for.
Eons ago when Jolleraptors were first made, there wasn’t really anything that could incite fear or threaten the safety of the gentle beings, not to mention how peaceful a species they actually were. Eidrot, growing tired and bored of the same thing decided to go behind Omis’ back even though they were aware and grabbed an unsuspecting Jolle, mutating it so it’s sized bulked, it’s body in pain and mind burning. And chaos did it bring.
The mutation wasn’t contagious, but when the newly turned monster had come to its senses and remembered its old past self, it wept in pain over the destruction it had caused. The Jollemonster only appeared during the night time to feed as the species was purely carnivorous unlike the smaller Jolleraptors and when it was captured by its brethren, It fled into self exile to Ratis, where it was safe, eventually found by Omis.
Omis left a mature and wise Jolleraptor with the beast and asked that they teach the other to control its anger, to teach it to love again. Eventually after years of effort, it came out of exile and with the jolle given to them, to Adora. They had fallen in love over the years for the teachings done and were blessed with a cookie egg - one Eidrot had seen and bounced the newborn egg into the planet - hatching the new jollemonster. And so the cycle began. It wasn’t often a new monster was born, but it was no longer viewed as a terrible curse - though politically not as welcomed.
There are mysterious vials however made by the Astrion Research Facility that cause a Jolleraptor to painfully become one through exploitation of their genes, however these are rendered illegal and should be handed in. However... there always seems to be an influx of them around Halloween...
The legs