Body types guide


Friend shaped
Jolles and health issues: size does matter
While there are jolles who are friendshaped to a safe degree, a more larger jolle may have substantial mobility problems; their back legs can’t take too much pressure, putting strain on their heat tubes inside their legs as well as where their knees are. They have anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (much like humans) where the birdy legs and knee of the jolle meet; the more weight a jolle has, the more it puts these ligaments under strain, meaning they will be subject to injury or worse and it is much harder to fix on a jolle than a human given their small size in comparison even to smaller animals as well as the fact humans haven’t entirely figured out how their little bodies work.
Hence the Astrion Research Facility is looking into them, perhaps in the future they will be able to perform operations in order to fix these kind of injuries, but for now, given jolles are a rather active species for the most part at most end up friendshaped without too many problems.