Basic anatomy guide

The Jolleraptor is a quadrupedal, bird-like species.
They are very small in stature, growing up to only four inches in length (tail length not accounted for) and 2.5 to 2.7 inches in height (ears/stance not accounted for). Their bodies are light, allowing them to stand on their hind legs with support but they are incapable of walking & running in this stance as they are not built to travel this way, the raptor mutation is the only one that can do that!
If they want to run, stroll, whatever, they must walk on all four legs!
Shown below is the Jolleraptor's basic anatomy with the key features shown aka necessary features of a JR! Some more notes (do and don't) can be found here!

Extra information
⦁ Jolleraptors are not able to change size
⦁ Jolleraptors possess high animal intel-ligence
Key features
1. The head/snout is round and egg shaped, ending in a sharp cut on the jaw, creating a straight, horizontal line with the chin. However a JR can have up to 4 different head shapes totally!
2. The mouth zig-zigs above and under of the mouth, connecting to the eye. Some Jolleraptors have small teeth that stick out of the mouth.
3. Jolleraptors possess a sack in their throat that creates smoke, when smoke collects in the sack it expands in size.
4. The back of the Jolleraptor's head has fluffy fur.
5. The eye of the Jolleraptor is surrounded by a thick, black eye line that protects the eye from dust and other such things that might fall in.
6. The Jolleraptor's squishy front paws have three toes (the forth thumb is optional), the paws do not have paw pads.
They have flexible digits which can grip things and objects.
7. The simplified feathers on the Jolleraptor's front legs are called 'feather arm', although this is the basic, common trait for them.
They can also have full feathered forearms, but it's considered as a much higher rarity, as which it cannot be drawn it unless it has the trait.
8. The back legs of the Jolleraptor have three clawed toes, two in the front and one in the back, creating a Y shape. They're always black unless they have the colored legs perk! The only current mutation that allows extra toe is the Raptor mutation.
Legs are always to very dark grey to black, they can have colored nails + pads.