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Technology is very varied in JR universe, so let’s start with homeworld.


JRs themselves on Astrion tend to pick up bits of tech that the research facility orbiting the planet either leave behind or drop. They then often give it to the Atraxi and who learn to harness the tech left, improve and such, but they prefer to use this tech for general health as well as monitoring what’s out there to preserve the natural environment of the planet. However, Atraxi have begun banding together close by forges to repair crashed ships, develop new fuels etc.

They found that the golden crystals named Luminite that they consume to replenish their stored magic, can actually be crushed up and mixed with a assortment of fluids naturally found on their world to produce a fuel to last a ship several hundred years without degradation or harm to the essential workings. Atraxi are beginning to specialise especially in Biotech as they understand the anatomy’s of themselves and JRs more than outsiders of the world would.

Outside of Homeworld

Now if we talk JRs and Atraxi outside of their homeworld, this is where things get a little different.


Atraxi of course make a bubble to protect themselves from upper atmosphere and the like and can make short trips, but them visiting other worlds they CAN use teleportation magic, however, they must make sure to take a supply of the Luminite crystals with them as doing so is their most draining magic. This is why some Atraxi get stuck on other planets with no way home and simply accept their new life on that world - thankfully they are very adaptable to new languages and communications.

But it is the main reason why Atraxis, while more in tune with nature, are leaning on adapting the tech that either crashes on their homeworld or utilising scraps that get left behind so they can develop better means of travel for both themselves and for JRs alike.

Jolles due to their nature and the deity that looms, their cookie eggs are sent not just to Astrion, but to many other planets and galaxies as well. They adapt to whoever they’re around as well as the environment they’re around. Some can even learn to use the tech depending on the race they’re around, though less adaptable than Atraxi.

Technology outside the species use


Technology in the current galaxy is advanced enough to the point that an entire world is a fortified like glasshouse capable of using panels of compound metals and tech combined that can absorb the correct amount of light and heat to sustain a world, while being able to propel it from possible dangers like encroaching red giant stars and growing black holes. Neuralink technology is also possible and the Astrionic Research Facility has developed chips that allow people to understand the native tongue of JRs themselves, as well as read the runes of the temples etc.

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