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Vapors subtype

Water-based Jolleraptors are known as Vapors, for these types of Jolle cannot breathe smoke but has adapted to become steam and vapor. These Vapors form around rivers, lakes, ponds and other large bodies of water. Their body is the slimmest of the types and their hair covering their face and body becomes oily, allowing them to slip from predators very quickly or through small spaces,  and waterproof which keeps their amalgamated core from being doused. The fur also becomes more fine allowing it to be used as fins used in conjunction with webbed feet to help the Vapor swim about the water and keep balance. They are amphibious in nature, allowing to live on both land and water safely. Like Billowers, Vapors can have dangerous poisons/venoms in their fur or bite. If fed some food containing oils, the Vapor can infuse it to their smoke, making them a portable and playful humidifier and have a knack for aromatherapy.

Traits that Become Common on a Vapor JR



  • Elemental - steam/vapor breather

  • Webbed paws, back feet and between the forearm dividers


  • Bare neck trait

  • Aquatic tail

  • Elemental growth (Scales only)

  • Body + Dorsal Fins/Sails

Further Facts about the vapor JR subtype


  • The webbing of the back toes can be semipalmated or fully palmated - Those with semipalmated toes usually live in still waters, such as ponds or rock pools and are slightly smaller than the common JR

  • Those with palmated toes are more commonly seen in rivers, lakes and sometimes even oceans and sizes can range from just larger than a common JR, to even the size of a JR Monster. Those that became JR monsters of this subtype are even bigger than the standard JRM.

  • Their diet is more situated with smaller fish such as minnows, sometimes eating plankton, algae and even the water weeds. However, the JRM variant of this subtype can even eat small frogs and even small birds - Vapor subtypes possess a nictitating membrane, meaning they have better vision underwater.

  • Gills are commonly seen on their neck, but as they come out of the water and onto land, they can slot them into a special pouch and breathe like a standard JR which when stimulated by water and trigger the reaction for aquatic breathing.

  • They only stay on land roughly 6-8 hours a day due to the different pressures from being out of water for so long. - Where JRs breathe smoke, it’s often elemental bubbles that get breathed by these Vapors - essentially acting as a floatation device. When they wish to sink to lower levels, they exhale a lot of their breathe before submerging so they don’t float to the surface as quickly.

  • Their aquatic tails can come in a variety of shapes and sizes unlike a standard JR with the aquatic tail and mutation. This bodes for more variety amongst the subspecies.

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