Arctic Tundras subtype
Arctic/Tundra formed JRs are called Tundra Boomers, for in those frigid places one must keep tending to a fire or else it'll go out in a puff of smoke - a rather small boom. They adapt to this environment with a thick fur that keeps them warm even in the chilly waters. Some may even come with a thick layer of blubber and may be more slow in comparison to most other Jolle types. The fur acts as floatation should a Boomer fall into the frigid waters as normally they tend to avoid it unless specifically adapted to withstand it. Tundra Boomers tend to rather stay away from warmer locations for fear of heat strokes or more severe effects, so keep them in a nice cool environment. But be sure to feed them plenty of fish or meat for fuel to help keep its fur thick and warm. Sometimes Boomers can get territorial, acting like Polar bears, wolves or Sea Lions, should you encounter one, distract it with food and back away slowly.

Traits that Become Common on a Tundra Boomer JR
Fur overgrowth
Larger size than a standard JR
Further Facts about the artic JR subtype
While this subspecies is accustomed to the cold and harsh temperatures, they are susceptible to sneezing at least 15-20 times a day, with the explosive sound being heard from a range of 2 miles.
If Tundras get too warm (climate wise) they can explode as a consequence. Don’t worry, their existence doesn’t stop entirely, they just emerged from the blackened fluff but much smaller to the size of a fae mutated JR. They grow back rather quickly in the space of a week thanks to their fur and blubber.
They are a much slower and lethargic subtype, not moving much unless to eat or rare play - Tundras are also the most chunky of the subspecies and when sat can take on the shape of a seal.
Their diet makes them purely pescatarian as a species and often wait by fisherman’s fishing holes to steal their catch. Thankfully with their cute charm they do often get away with it; with a failure rate of only 15%.
When getting territorial, they use their explosive smoke to puff up their chests and make themselves seem larger before slamming into the one getting in their territory.
They can also be nicknamed “Firecrackers” because their smoke is only explosive because of the cold reacting with it causing the explosive chemical reaction.