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Please click on the name or scroll down for more info about each mutation! +more!
✿ Common ♦ Uncommon ✪ Rare ★ Epic ✰ Legendary
Mutations are only available in special slots, sales or customs
✿ Regular
✰ Suckers
✰ Multiple eyes
✰ Multiple tails
✰ Multiple limbs

✰ Bug Hex
✰ Janus
✰ Blindsided*

✰ Hot oily smoke
✰ Fluffy moth
✰ Thorny
✰ Raptor
✰ Fae
✰ Skeleton
✰ Aquatic

–3x Size
✰ Bigfoot
✰ Cursed by the moon
✰ Incy Wincy Spider
✰ Werewolf effect

✰ Doll
✰ Plush

✰ Taur

✰ Hollow

✰ Insectoid
Mutations that affect eyes/ head:
✦ Bug hex vision - their eyes look similar to a bugs
✦ Blindsided - A solid rocky mass completely covers the entire top of their head as well as protruding on their jawline. This rocky mass is completely fused to the Jolle and cannot be removed. Their horns follow the same traits EXCEPT, they all become a crystalline texture, much akin to epic elemental, but without being truly elemental. Full about the blindsided mut can be found here!
✦ Janus - This jolle has twin heads!
✦ Hot oily smoke - Affected by anger similarly to Baa-Grels, smoke becomes liquidated and often flammable
Mutations that may affect whole body:
✦ Fluffy moth mutation - Growing feelers (that replace the horns), extra fluffy neck fur, coloured dust producing wings
✦ Dandelion/ Fae mutation - Very light and fluffy, this mutation affects their size greatly (3 times smaller) and only come out at night, they have highly glittering fur and translucent wings, as with antennae (that replace the horns) and magic- size difference can be found here!
✦ Sucker - They have octopus like suckers, have a very jelly like body and even tentacles - they may even lack rear legs!
✦ Thorny - An overgrowth of horns can sometimes cover the head or other areas of the body
✦ Raptor - They adapt a raptor like stance, arms are rather feathered and their hind legs mutate into the form of actual velociraptors - this however, when present with JRM it only has the traits but due to the physical stature (too top heavy) of the JRM it cannot stand up.
✦ Skeleton - It seems a flesh eating genome has mutated jolles to the point where parts of their skeleton is visible may affect a small area or up to 50% coverage of the JR!
✦ Aquatic - Your jolle seems to have multiple rows of sharp teeth, fins on the arms and back and has even a smooth body with gills and scales - although it will be rather hairless...
✦ Bigfoot - It's a wonder your jolle can see where it is going! This mutation makes them so hairy they often loose vision because the fur is constantly growing!
✦ Cursed by the moon - This mutation has a normal day pelt in which the only differences is a lot of fluff, claws and fangs in comparison to normal JRs, but come night time, the whole pelt becomes a blue/purple/grey/black hue or darker, with a glowing moon somewhere on its body - and a terrible temper to go with it.
✦ Incy Wincy Spider - The multiple eyes and limbs combo has forced a more serious mutation to form, the tail mutates into an abdomen and now the arms are thick like a tarantula in segments. This pet is not recommended for arachnophobes, handle with care, because these jolles hide some serious fangs (The legs can look either like shown here or by the old look)
✦ The werewolf effect - Longer teeth, fluffier, leg warmers and claws.
✦ Bioluminescence - This mutation causes areas of the body, markings to glow brightly, does not apply to innards!
✦ Multiple tails - Sometimes overgrowth occurs and be quite the sight to see, can be only one type of tail, up to 4 of the same!
✦ Multiple eyes - Allows multiple eyes on the body, be the same colour unless they have the multicoloured eyes trait
✦ Multiple limbs - Multiple legs can be useful sometimes (x6 limbs totally)
✦ Taur - A JR afflicted with this mutation will double in hind quarters, allowing their upper half to be more upright like their ancestors afflicted with the raptor mutations
✦ Hollow - fissures in the body that cause no pain but can act as storage
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