When the universe was just beginning, the first sparks of life began flickering and the first ever Jolleraptor was born from the core of a supernova and radiated the light of life. They were known as the god Omis. Omis was kind and gentle in the universe and played with the dust from various star explosions, but felt rather lonely, so created other worlds. However they were sad, they hated seeing the creations they made wither away and perish, and kept trying to make new worlds - only to discover another Jolleraptor god like themselves. One of destruction and chaos, it drew the various worlds and inhabitants into itself. A supermassive blackhole. This chaotic creature of destruction was known as the god Eidrot.
Omis met with the god to beg him to stop, only for him to respond in anger, it was what allowed him control and said it was the way of life. Omis made a deal with Eidrot that when worlds began collaps-

ing or the bad needed punishing, he was permitted to keep his way of destruction and chaos in return for the dust of life. However, over the space of a few months, the two gods bonded and kindled a beautiful love for each other, despite the lack of life dust.

One day Eidrot offered his heart to Omis, wishing to stay by their side for the rest of eternity to which they accepted and this left a heart shaped hole in his chest through to his back - the dust of life began spilling out from being trapped inside his from the destruction of all those worlds. Omis joyfully chirped with delight and she made the perfect world for them, known as Astrion, as well as a chaotic fire pit of lava on the planet for Eidrot to hide sometimes. Eidrot and Omis with their combined efforts made the star of rainbows; Bastreon, which shone through the crystalline ring orbiting Astrion. Many years passed and neither could think what to put on their perfect world until...
Using the dust of life, as well as Eidrot's black hole ability and Omis' supernova light, they produced two young Jolleraptors and allowed them to live in peace. Eventually more of the tiny creatures were created with the life dust in order for the world to be inhabited. And they all born
Eidrot's gift of being able to go into the pit of lava without harm being done to them - but many tales used to drive young jolles away.

The two gods remain hidden from plain sight, but rumours among Jolles say that if you look up at the stars at night, an area bends around where the god Eidrot is constantly pulling stars to show his love for Omis, often forming starry hearts. Jolles often see this as a signal for breeding season and scurry to their Creator's temples together. But some jolles believe that the gods walk among them. and true to that, they do.
Eidrot is the God of Destruction and creator of such matter as supermassive black holes. Light shines through his chest like a singularity of a black hole where his heart once was. He was a reckless and uncaring god, only caring for himself to begin with after believing he was all alone and unable to create life by himself. Upon meeting Omis, he came to the agreement of helping them destroy and allow life to die instead of Omis suffering each time she had to finish a world that never thrived. He brought the balance to life and death. In the end, he co-created their offspring; the Jolleraptors.
If this god gives you his blessing when Omis denies you, more rare, dangerous traits, including mutations and even Jollemonsters!
His Unique Traits of heart shaped horns to hold and control the black hole element and the hole in his chest make him very distinguishable. He has an overbite and elemental powers to spawn black holes and even ever burning fire if enraged.
Eidrot, God of destruction
About The Two Gods - Eidrot and Omis

Traits - GOD TIER
Unique Heart Horns
Unique Hole in chest
Legendary Perk Elemental powers - Fire and Supermassive/standard black holes
Legendary Galaxy bones
Legendary Levitation
Legendary Overbite
Epic elemental smoke - Black holes
Epic multicolour eyes
Epic back fur
Rare forward scruff ears
Rare hair tail
Omis, god of Life and Creation

Omis is the God of Life, creator of worlds and stars. They wander around, a kind and caring presence - if you were to be in their presence, you would feel an ever lasting warmth that would follow you for a lifetime. However, they were saddened as everything they created had to die at some point and they couldn't stand watching their creations suffer as they got older and unable to move - trapped in an endless cycle of never dying. Like Eidrot, Omis thought they were the only one of their kind until the two gods met. Eidrot agreed to bring balance to life and death and in time, the gods fell for each other. Their love created the species, Jolleraptors and the planet they lived on; Astrion.
If this god gives you their blessing, there is a small chance you will obtain a smaller version of a Jolleraptor, a Jollekid. But these Jolles are all blessed with life and their rarities may vary - but never anything too dangerous or chaotic.
Omis' appearance is heavenly and a gorgeous sight to behold, like looking at the warmth of the sun in the flesh and feathers. Their element lies with light and life and can produce life in their small paws - often growing a crown of flowers upon their head!
Traits - GOD TIER
Unique life growth ability - can grow life from anywhere on the body (more focused on head & paws)
Legendary perk Elemental powers - Light and life
Legendary galaxy bones
Legendary long hairstyle
Legendary big winged
Common pond eyes
Legendary styled neckfur
Epic small winged
Epic elemental smoke - light!
Rare hair tail
Rare forward scruff ears