Battern subtype
Jolles that were born and developed in caves are known as Batterns have adapted and grown leathery flaps of skin on their arms and mutated their paws to smaller formations to allow them to fly! Their ears are usually overgrown in size and always perked up, but are blind! They will more often than not use echo location and Batterns ALWAYS have fangs, these are very common and it is common for them to lack of a tail. They also do not breath smoke as it alerts their prey. If a Battern Jolle jumps on you, be careful when untangling them and keep them away from bright light and loud noises to keep them safe and pain free! Beware, their sonars are extremely loud if used as a defense and have been known to cause symptoms such as; temporary or permanent deafness, migraines, nosebleeds, dizziness and fainting!

Traits that Become Common on a Battern JR
Mutated arms to become wings
Overgrown ears
Blind - does not follow pond rules - a very foggy eye and clouded, often pale (but not white/greyscale, breaking lore)
(Other eye types may not be seen on normal MYO's, but may be seen on adopts from time to time) -
Echo location
Damaging sonar abilities
No smoke
Further Facts about the cavernous (battern) JR subtype
Battern JRs are the only subtype barring those JRs gifted with big wings, that are capable of not only sustaining flight in gliding, but also true flight.
They are the second most fragile subtype next to the fae mutated common JRs; having high levels of sensitivity- not just in their sense of hearing and smell, but also by being exposed to heat.
Their patagium is the most sensitive part of their body and tend to remain in temperate climates, straying away from hot and cold climates in order to protect this sensitive and thin layer of flesh used for their flight.
They can fold their patagium into their arms to mimic a standard JR, but when spread out normally in a sitting position and not mimicking, they are seen with only one claw.
Their diet mostly consists of fruit and mosquitoes; however it isn’t unheard of that it will latch onto beings much larger than it and feed.
While commonly seen in caves, on other worlds not their own, you may spot a battern hidden under large leaves and foliage as well as in the cavity of old trees!
They often get nicknamed “the flutterers” by off world creatures such as humans.
This subtype Of JRs don’t use smoke since they are blind and would throw their senses off in confusion, but instead use echolocation. They have also been known to adjust their frequency when encountering possible predators to help them escape; often causing damage and unconsciousness to the unwitting presence. Batterns also enjoy playing ultrasonic pong with themselves in the caves to keep themselves entertained.
Due to rarely seeing sunlight, it’s been theorised by JRs and even the research facility studying them that the majority are cursed with some sporadic blessings as seen by their mostly glowing eyes