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The beginning

Many eons ago, a lonely god of creation floated through the empty depths of space, hurting inside over the fact they knew they couldn't create without hurting. They loved life so much, yet it brought them so much pain. This lonely god was known as Omis. They were the first of a new race of creatures, or rather, their creator, as the god's race was much smaller than themselves... This god met another one of themselves, however one of destruction and chaos and enjoyed taking those to the afterlife with him - regardless of species. His name was Eidrot.

The two gods met and conferred with each other, wanting to make life and death balanced so they could both do what they enjoyed. Together they created a planet with their combined power, the supermassive blackhole of Eidrot's bringing together the rocks to form around the now living planet's core and develop - Omis created a star for it to orbit, aptly named Bastreon and this keeps the planet warm and even makes the crystalline rainbow ring about the planet to glow with glory. Years has passed as the planet grew and cooled - now named Astrion, developing biomes and different regions that pleased the gods very much, but there was something missing... Eidrot had given his heart to Omis and they infused two essences that represented them, lawful good and chaotic evil - a born star and a mini black hole.

Their magic combined these two objects and formed a special dust that made both their eyes light up with excitement until-- Nothing happened... Eidrot sent the dust hurtling to the ground to Omis' dismay, but as the dust hardened, both suddenly watched intently as it crashed into Astrion, witnessing a tiny child 10 times smaller than themselves emerge! Thus the first Jolleraptor was born. Their name? For9evr! Their eyes changed colours with the glowing ring of crystals that shone upon the planet and thus the babbling baby was the first of the Jolleraptor species to exist.  Eventually the same method was used by the gods to make more until the little creatures had built temples for their gods to offer things to have children of their own and every time a couple brought their essences that represented them to the temples located in different regions, the two gods had their excitements piqued!

Jolles that perished for many reasons repeated their birth cycles as Eidrot launched them back into the ground with utmost glee. That was until some accidents occurred; in which he accidentally pummelled Jolle cores to different planets instead. Omis would simply smile warmly and speak with soft chirps that other living creatures can now meet them and even take care of them. Some Jolles were even born on Earth and had to adapt quickly to these different surroundings! Evolution happened within these different environments over hundreds of thousands of years and even on their home planet!

Now in modern day, Jolleraptors are EVERYWHERE, they've populated so many planets either by their own god's paw or travellers take the little friends with them. They're omnivorous, mostly friendly and are very warm and smell of fragrant candles and bubble baths - some even smell of candy! If you see a smoky looking biscuit formation land in front of you or not far from where you live, you might just meet a new friend!! Keep them safe, love them and they'll always be your best friend!!


JolleRaptors is a closed species owned by SoupIing @ Deviantart/
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