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Please click on the name or scroll down for more info about each perk!
✿ Common ♦ Uncommon ✪ Rare ★ Epic ✰ Legendary

★ Selectively mute
★ Glassed up*
★ Small wings
✰ Wild feathers

✰ Leg warmers

✰ Colored legs
✰ Monstrous paws

✰ Seasonal color

★ Cracked*

★ Claws
★ 20/20+
★ Elemental growth

★ Flux*
★ Sphynx*

✰ Moth feelers

✰ Big wings

✰ Wingies
✰ Angler

✰ Antenna

✰ Underbite

✰ Overbite
Stick legs
Axolotl gills
Frilled head
Back spikes
Lil tuft
Split jawed
Cupid wings
Mixed horn
★ Full haitstyle
★ Grabbers
★ Armor plating
★ Claws
★ 20/20+
★ Elemental growth
★ Flux
★ Cracked
★ Selectively mute
★ Small wings
★ Glassed up
★ Sphynx
✰ Wild feathers
✰ Leg warmers
✰ Monstrous paws
✰ Coloure legs
✰ Moth feelers
✰ Seasonal colours changing
✰ Winges
✰ Angler
✦ Beards/moustaches - any length, any style
✦ Stick legs - an alternate way to drawing the legs, paying homage to the original style of JR back legs
✦ Axolotl gills - Your JR gets external cheek/neck gills
✦ Polydactyly - your jolle has an extra toe growth on the hind legs! Essentially a single extra toe that can be longer, shorter or the same length as the other toes, these can be either at the front of the feet OR the back of the feet.
✦ Dinofluff - your jolle has attained mini fluffy kaiju spikes, they feel like silk to the touch
✦ Frilled head - your jolle can perk up, flatten and even wiggle this frill about to show some emotion like a cockatoo!
✦ Headwarmer - your jolle gets a mass of extra fur on the head and cheeks in huge layers
✦ Whiskers - these whiskers can be of any length and more than one set, located usually near the mouth or cheeks
✦ Back spikes - Your jolle has grown thick keratin from their back and are often spiked upwards, just don't flip them upside down
✦ Lil tuft - the back of the head fluff converges to the front in a short upward position - does not get longer than the example
✦ Polycoria - this splits the eye into multiple eyes inside - this does not class as multicolour and remains the same colours (so light blue and darker blue for pupils and such as an example)
✦ Split jawed - Your jolles jaw has split in two to chomp even better now!
✦ Mandibles - these strong jaws can be any insect inspired!
✦ Beak - your jolles face has hardened at the front to form a beak (these can be also smaller than shown example)
✦ Shell - Your jolle has grown a shell on its back - it can be of any animal, such as mollusks, tortoise etc
✦ Cupid wings - your jolle sports a pair of small floating wings that allows for minimal glides and aesthetic
✦ Mixed horns - a mix of two horns according to the rarity you have (exmpl. pea+double minis)
✦ Full hairstyle - your jolle has gotten a full head of hair unlike normal fur and this can be of any style and length, braided to your liking!
✦ Grabbers - Your jolle gets a small extra pair of grabbers on its chest which can be stylistically spiked like a mantis' - these can grab objects and hold with ease
✦ Armor plating - this plating covers the neck, shoulders, upper back and arm fully before the legs
✦ Claws - your jolle now sports a set of claws from their soft beans - these can be both retractable and nonretractable!
✦ 20/20+ - your jolle gets an extra few sets of eyes on its head only and can be in any position or size, all eyes must be the same colour unless they have the multicoloured eyes trait
✦ Elemental growth - your jolle has had a solid element grow from their body, such as small scales, gems, rocks, plants, flowers and such, you may find there may be small trees even!
✦ Flux - your jolle has attained floating objects of some celestial form or another, often being small particles, mini rocks, haloes, clouds or even mini planets! (Flux must always be solid matter not liquidated, flux must also be appropiate for the group so no weapons such as dungeon chains or anything that breaks the TOS.)
✦ Cracked - Your jolle hit its head a little too hard and has cracked a little, don't worry, it doesn't feel bad now!
✦ Selectively mute - Your jolle can make its mouth disappear and reappear at will! Great if you're a spectre of some kind or introverted
✦ Small wings - these small wings come fully attached to the body and allow for small glides and fanning to keep oneself cool. actual flight however is out of the question for now...
✦ Glassed up - One or more of your jolles front limbs have become glass, don't drop them now!
✦ Sphynx - Your jolle is completely bare of fur, which means a lot of sweaters and socks to keep them warm
✦ Wild feathers - Like dinosaur ancestors of old, your jolle can roam around with these feathers like they were in the cretaceous period
✦ Leg warmers - this extra fur provides extra layers and protection against harsh cold - they can even be styled to look soft and round like a poodles!
✦ Monstrous paws - These paws and claws resemble their Jollemonster brethren, but without the extra flexibility JRM have, claws are always long here
✦ Coloured legs - aesthetically pleasing? Yes. Good at keeping you warm, no. But at least you look good and can wear socks well!
✦ Moth feelers - you may find yourself attracted to the light with these...
✦ Seasonal colour changing - This perk allows your jolles coat colours to change with the seasons. (hue shift / alt palettes)
✦ Wingies - These tiny wingies flap sometimes or stretch depending on emotions, comes in two variants:
- Deviant (devil wings) - This perk shows that this Jolle has had bad intentions or is just impish in general.
- Devine (angel wings) - This perk shows that this Jolle has had good intentions or is just angelic in general.
✦ Angler - this can be used as a light in caves, or as a bait for insects, a very useful perk for illumination for certain.
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