Plants of Astrion
Eight leaved cloveberry
It has a very small seed that looks like a dew drop - the thing you see on the top of the berry. They grow with a twisted, almost wooden like stem and are often confused for trees, not only for their stem, but also their height! The taller it grows, the more berries will be on it! The largest known specimen of an Eight Leaved Cloveberry has grown to a towering 31ft tall (nearly 10 meters tall), huge no? the smallest recorded specimen has been seen at 1ft (Nearly half a meter).
They start off bitter tasting, but then blossomed into flavours of sweetness and spiciness! But never take the nectar of its flowered form before it becomes a berry, its poisonous! The fruit is green and teal, while the leaves are dark crimson and the flowers come in a wide variety of colours.

The Cloveberry has been used in a menagerie of dishes, ranging from sorbets and ice creams, to curries and stews for their sweet and spiciness with a spiciness of 1,500 scoville units! An absolute delicacy in Alogenis is the soup made with these berries and cooled, then poured over leftover rice. Gives the dual flavours a refreshing touch in summer!

This gold and blue tree is known as the Roialltri. Its sapling is the same size as a human palm and has quite the weight on it. Its a good thing JR's can lift a lot more than their body weight like ants do!
The bark is a vivid royal blue, with valuable golden leaves that wrap around tight areas where a berry may bud. There is only one berry on a tree and these are so rare, that if a JR were to find an UNPICKED berry and took it with them, they would be dubbed as the monarch for their town, city or even kingdom!
Legend has it, it is bad luck to take an already picked Roialltri berry, as the spores from it will embed themselves to a Jolle - this does come with perks as they become tighter with nature and learn to live with it (growth perk).
These berries have spores on the outside and a hard stone on the inside (the seed to make another Roialltri) and there is only one on a tree per year. They are also a very slow to mature tree, taking 20 years to mature and even grow a berry!
The smallest recorded specimen was 6ft tall (1.8m) where the tallest recorded specimen is 57ft tall! That's a whopping 17m tall!
The golden leaves are very valuable across the cosmos, not only for the fact it is made of gold, but for its extreme healing capabilities. A small sip on the broths made with them can be enough to cure even the toughest of poisonings within 7 hours and constant giving can heal a mortal wound within a day. Why are they so valuable? Because they're near enough impossible to reach and any damage to the leaf can spoil the healing properties - even a pinch too hard can destroy the crop.
This is the Beleanus, it is a strange twisted knotting plant that likes nothing more than following the sun in its growth and with very few leaves. The largest recorded specimen was 50ft (15m) and they tend to grow and intertwine together. They're fondly nicknamed "The Hugging Stalk" by JR's alike due to their tendency to grow quickly around whatever touched them - though their touch is soft and easy to escape!
The overall texture of this plant is very plush and soft and the jellybean shaped growths on its stalk are gummy. However, these are inedible and often have little insects homed within them, so its best to leave those growths be. The bean like berries contained in the leaves come in bunches and have a variety of flavors linked to their coloration - some may be sweet, others very bitter!

It is rumored that these beans, when consumed, they have the ability to change the colour and sometimes even the element of a JR's smoke! Though no one has been recorded doing such a thing, but if there were ever a chance? Anything is feasible at that point.
This plant can be found all over Astrion, especially in abundance on the continents of Ratis, Alogenis and Adora and loves soaking up water. This is an impossible to kill plant and can make good houseplants... Until they grow out of control because you touched their soft plush stems and leaves too much.

This here is the Parasthornum. Looks harmless right? That's because during the daytime it sleeps. You can see an eye in the middle of those petal like leaves, imitating a flower. grows to be 3ft long (just under 1m) and 1ft tall (0.3m). The strange purple roots grow on the outside of the land, close to the plant and there's very good reason that this plant is meaner than most JR's you could meet.
I know, you're wondering why its called a Parasthornum when it looks innocent and is a day sleeper. That's because at night time, it shows its true colors - literally!
Come nighttime, the petal-like leaves unfurl and the eye opens in a hypnotic array of colors. Anyone or even ANYTHING that happens to trip on its splayed out roots are caught unawares as they swiftly move and hold you in the air. By now you'll have noticed the razor sharp thorns that happen to be sharper than a standard machete blade. These are red, because as you guessed, they feed on blood. However, its not unusual to see the thorns a variety of colors depending on what it fed on last. The more you struggle, the more desperate the plant wishes to feed. After all, blood happens to be its main life source and nutrients.
But what does it do with the body? The eye splits into four pieces to reveal a mouth and it then converts the nutrients within and transfers them to the soil around it in order to fertilize.

These plants are found in Aviente, the desert continent that is alive in more than one way due to what happened many years ago. The suns intense rays in this sun help the plant charge that hypnotic eye while it sleeps, as hunting will be ineffective without it.
During daytime however, these roots can be snipped away while it's sleeping, ground up and can be used to treat burn wounds and even those who are paralyzed.