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Baa-Grels semi-open species

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- Baa-Grels can be found just about anywhere on Astrion


- They're an omnivorous and mostly peaceful quadruped only pack species, standing in between 1ft-3ft tall against a human.


- Similar to JR's, Baa-Grels have 'dividers', these are to regulate their temperatures whenever confrontational and angered, same for them having two sets of nostrils as the heat can make breathing difficult if they were not to have these aspects


- Their maws are almost downwards tusk-like concealing their teeth and always have moderately sharp teeth, though some can have sharper or even missing teeth


- The species has a special pouch underneath their forearms where their wings curl and fold in and out of when flying.


- Baa-Grels only have fur and cannot have scales, spines or horns as this would impede in the flow of their inner anatomy!


- The raptor-esque thumb claw is often used for gripping onto ledges and trees when landing somewhere. It is also used for gripping into dirt during storms and floods when they are unable to get in the air fast enough.


- Their back hooved legs can either be cloven or smoothed but are never any other foot type - Baa-Grels when running can reach speeds of 37mph and can sustain this for over an hour


- When angered and/or threatened, their body temperature increases exponentially, causing the tips or even the entire fur from the top of their head down their spine to become charred black, their scleras become either yellow, reds, oranges or blacks or mix of them and they spew smoke which ignites when it comes in contact with the air. You will often hear a clicking hissing sound right before disaster strikes if you don't back off. It's thought to be the origin of the Hot Oily Smoke mutation for Jolleraptors


- They always have 'hair' and spinal fur as this acts as a channel for their temperature flow. They also always have long fur going down their neck and stomach, however the length can vary from time to time.


- Their ears are always medium-extra long in length, they do not get any shorter than exampled but their shapes can vary.


- They can have different types of tails, however it is more common to see them without a tail and their wings are always draconic in nature, though some can have damage to them!

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